"Life is a riddle-solve it,
Love is an illusion-stay away from it,
Lonliness is a perception-dont build it,
Hapiness is deep within-search for it,
Pain & struggle are a part of life-learn from it,
Friendship is life-never lose it!!!"
"live life in such a way tht in the end you are able to face the guy in the glass without any fear or guilt"
When you r in love, the little little things done by your love to make you feel special makes you happy....
But when everything is over those little moments hurt you the most"
Sunday, January 28, 2007
"meri shayari"
"hum jaante hain woh humare har sawal ka jawaab nahi de sakte...phir bhi kyun uss jawaab ki umeed hum rakhte hai?????hum jaante hai woh itna pyaar nahi karte humse...phir bhi kyun uss pyaar ki umeed hum rakhte hai??????hum jaante hai yeh lamhe kuch pal ke hai...par kaash yeh pal kabhi khatam na ho kyun iski umeed rakhte hai????"
"bahut logon ne saath choda hai humara aaj toh inn aansuo ne bhi saath chod diya....kehta hai thak gaye hai aansu baha ke ab toh aankhon se chalakna chod diya"
"phir ek baar aaj yeh dil ro raha hai...kisi ko apna na banana yeh keh raha hai....chot aisi khaiye hai iss dil ne ki...muskurahto mein bhi ro raha hai"
"unki yaad ko dil mein basaye jee rahe hai...kabhi toh woh wapis aayenge is jhuthi umeed mein jee rahe hain,zindagi ne aisa mazak kiya hai humare saath ki na jeena chahte hue bhi jee rahe hai"
"bahut logon ne saath choda hai humara aaj toh inn aansuo ne bhi saath chod diya....kehta hai thak gaye hai aansu baha ke ab toh aankhon se chalakna chod diya"
"phir ek baar aaj yeh dil ro raha hai...kisi ko apna na banana yeh keh raha hai....chot aisi khaiye hai iss dil ne ki...muskurahto mein bhi ro raha hai"
"unki yaad ko dil mein basaye jee rahe hai...kabhi toh woh wapis aayenge is jhuthi umeed mein jee rahe hain,zindagi ne aisa mazak kiya hai humare saath ki na jeena chahte hue bhi jee rahe hai"
Saturday, January 27, 2007
"Mera Bharat Mahaan"

Just now we celebrated 58th Republic Day… India has travelled a long journey since its independence…We r proud to be a part of this democratic free country.
We have come a long way in terms of the progress made…be it in agriculture, manufacturing or services sector…India shining, India Poised so many adjectives been attached to our country…its seen as a major investment hub for the FII’s n also FDI …reforms n removal of restrictions had triggered the progress made by our country…
The GDP figures v show or flash so much in the papers, the rising Sensex, the Mergers & Acquisitions taking place every year, the boom in the retail sector all show a rosey picture of our nation…but what about the people living below the poverty line?? What about the unemployment situation in our country???? What about the Human Development Index parameters which rank India among the lowest???? How much do v address these issues or think about them??? What all is the govt. and we as citizens of r country doing for the lower strata of the society??? I know there r so many schemes and
Concessions and subsidies govt. provides for the upliftment of the poor but r they channelised in the right direction???? Or they fall in the pockets of bureaucrats and politicians???? Is there any end to the vicious circle or the trap we r falling into????
India is a mixed economy & land of varied cultures & languages….a country driven by sentiments and emotions & religions …though with the changing culture n broadened outlook things r changing…Indians have made their presence felt across the globe…they r hardworking n committed to their work…with the coming up of BPO n KPO industries in India n the increasing bend towards services sector…with soaring salaries n more disposable income at the hands of people consumerism is rising n we r becoming more westernized in r thoughts n way of living….India sure is going to be transformed to a developed nation in the coming years…though the focus should be on inclusive growth…
But the thought which bothers me is that aren’t v drifting away from r values n ethnicities, will our future generation remember the names of r freedom fighters??? Will they ever realize the importance of the blood n sweat which these people shed for the independence of r country?? I guess we cant say anything now…but I hope till the time we have History text books n movies like Rang De Basanti, Shaheed Bhagat Singh and many more…there is still hope
Whatever v become n wherever we go m sure all of us Indians are proud to b part of this land which has produced great personalities like Mahatama Gandhi, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Subhash Chandra Bose, Rabindranath Tagore and the list in endless …hats off to this country & I love my India:)
"APJ Abdul Kalam Azad- President of India"

Today I saw d video of Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad…an amazing personality who is grounded to d roots despite his high position…while he was sharing what all he has learnt from his guru..”Vikram Sarabhai” n other leaders in India…I was wondering what a great man…that he remembers everything taught …every word n sentence n has used it to polish himself to be a great human being…hats off to him…And d way he delivers his speech with a smile on his face which shows his enthusiasm was commendabl
Here is what all he shared
As a child he was once asked by his school teacher to assemble all the students before 11:30 pm On 14th Aug 1947 to watch Pt, Jawarharlal Nehru hoist d National Flag…all the students saw it with great enthusiasm n kalam said dat though he cudnt understand d speech deliverd by Nehru as he could only understand tamil…but he liked d feeling of seeing d flag hoisted up so high
On 16th aug he saw 2 photos in newspapers
¨ Pt. JN Nehru hoisting the flag
¨ Mahatama Gandhi walking without any chappals to remove communal riots.
Here d msg which he wanted to convey was dat nobility in Leadership lies not in just taking the credit of things n being upfront but helping d needy n society at large …the way r father of the nation did on d eve of independence…real work lies at the ground level n someone has to take d pain.
Once jamshedji Naloji was traveling along with Swami Vivekananda n going to London…swamiji asked him…”where r u going?”…jamshedji replied…”I’m going to london to bring steel to India…
He met a man in Engalnd and told him about his plans n he abused him but he dint give up n went across Atlantic n brought steel to India n set up a plant in Jamshedpur….
Kalam sited egs of many great Indian minds like Madan Mohan Malviya, J.C Bose, C.V Raman,Vikram Sarabhai all these people n many more who have done service fr r country & have proved that Indian minds r much bettr dan International minds…he futher said dat now its time fr us to fight to transform r nation into a developed one n make it free frm all d social evils which exist in r society.
He gave an Eg of his guru Vikram Sarabhai who wanted to establish a research center at Thumba…n was opposed to take such a step by d bureaucrats n asked to meet d Bishop of d church before taking such a step…because thumba was located near d coastline n it was a means of occupation fr d fisherman living there also d place had a churches around which couldn’t b removed….
Sarabhai met d father of d church …Sarabhai explained wat he intended to do n wantd father’s approval for dat…Father said dat d palce was God’s habitat n Children’s habitat…he cant allow what he wants…but asked Sarabhai to some to Church next day.
Here is what all he shared
As a child he was once asked by his school teacher to assemble all the students before 11:30 pm On 14th Aug 1947 to watch Pt, Jawarharlal Nehru hoist d National Flag…all the students saw it with great enthusiasm n kalam said dat though he cudnt understand d speech deliverd by Nehru as he could only understand tamil…but he liked d feeling of seeing d flag hoisted up so high
On 16th aug he saw 2 photos in newspapers
¨ Pt. JN Nehru hoisting the flag
¨ Mahatama Gandhi walking without any chappals to remove communal riots.
Here d msg which he wanted to convey was dat nobility in Leadership lies not in just taking the credit of things n being upfront but helping d needy n society at large …the way r father of the nation did on d eve of independence…real work lies at the ground level n someone has to take d pain.
Once jamshedji Naloji was traveling along with Swami Vivekananda n going to London…swamiji asked him…”where r u going?”…jamshedji replied…”I’m going to london to bring steel to India…
He met a man in Engalnd and told him about his plans n he abused him but he dint give up n went across Atlantic n brought steel to India n set up a plant in Jamshedpur….
Kalam sited egs of many great Indian minds like Madan Mohan Malviya, J.C Bose, C.V Raman,Vikram Sarabhai all these people n many more who have done service fr r country & have proved that Indian minds r much bettr dan International minds…he futher said dat now its time fr us to fight to transform r nation into a developed one n make it free frm all d social evils which exist in r society.
He gave an Eg of his guru Vikram Sarabhai who wanted to establish a research center at Thumba…n was opposed to take such a step by d bureaucrats n asked to meet d Bishop of d church before taking such a step…because thumba was located near d coastline n it was a means of occupation fr d fisherman living there also d place had a churches around which couldn’t b removed….
Sarabhai met d father of d church …Sarabhai explained wat he intended to do n wantd father’s approval for dat…Father said dat d palce was God’s habitat n Children’s habitat…he cant allow what he wants…but asked Sarabhai to some to Church next day.
The public was praying n aftr dey finished Father calld Vikram on stage n told ppl dat he was a Scientist who wants to build a Research Centre thre…n both science n religion work fr the bettrment of masses…n bless the mankind…he asked d ppl will they agree to give the land…Father said “amen”…n there was complete silence…n aftr a while all toghtr said “Amen”…
Thus with the strong belief of Vikram n d unity of 2 god human beings helped in doing a great job fr the betterment of all the people….
Thus with the strong belief of Vikram n d unity of 2 god human beings helped in doing a great job fr the betterment of all the people….
Phew...a long post...now m tired:(
Friday, January 26, 2007

As a kid being very prone to falling ill again n again...i refrained myself frm eating chocs,candies n ice creams...but my self control den has helped me to eat wat i like now...one of mah skool's best friend is crazy abt chocs...both of us very decent in drawing ...so wenevr ne1 wantd to get their art wrk done...dey had to pay a bribe to us n dat was chocolate...lol:)
During mah grad days d craze died down...n it has revived again now since i ahve joined mah PG course...Seems like with d growing age...m being n acting more like a kiddo..he he:)
N mah college friends act like junglees wen it comes to eating choc or cutting choc cake on sum1's birthday...v fight wid each othr fr a single piece d way evn kids wont fight for...
As fr me d sight n thoght of choc makes me act like a two year old kiddo...n dats wat i m to a certain extent too...mah friends r d sweetest who get choc bars fr me often wenever i ask fr it...n one of mah friend used to just melt down at d way i used to ask fr a choc..."mujhe choc chaihye"...in a kiddish voice,puppy face n hopeful eyes n used to get 1 fr me wenevr we met...wow...good old days....
One more thing abt choc is dat its a great stress buster n mood revival...coz wnever i have been all down n low...i eat 1 n it helps me feel bettr...so do try it friends...
And if aftr raeding dis post u feel like offering a choc to me...u r most welcome:):)
Random Thoughts
Why do v expect d unexpected to happen???
Why do v wait for someone who is not ours??
Why do v care for someone who doesnt care for us??
Why do v walk towards darkness without seeing any ray of hope???
Why do v find it difficult to accept the truth????
Why do v live in false hopes & dreams???
Why do v desire for something which is out of r reach???
Why do v let someone ruin us frm inside?????
Why do we give someone more importance dan ourselves???
Why do v fall in love knowing it would bring pain in d end???
Why do i ask so many ques which dun have any answers...lol:)
Why do v wait for someone who is not ours??
Why do v care for someone who doesnt care for us??
Why do v walk towards darkness without seeing any ray of hope???
Why do v find it difficult to accept the truth????
Why do v live in false hopes & dreams???
Why do v desire for something which is out of r reach???
Why do v let someone ruin us frm inside?????
Why do we give someone more importance dan ourselves???
Why do v fall in love knowing it would bring pain in d end???
Why do i ask so many ques which dun have any answers...lol:)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
"Kiran Bedi"

mah 3rd trimester has started n i went to college after a week coz i was doin mah live project earlier...boy d subjects r too boring dis time:(:(...all theortical ones n v r having cribbing sessions these days....
another regular kinda day it wsa with 3 classes xcept d lecture in which v saw d video of kiran bedi...it was amazing....mah respect fr dat lady has increased even more aftr watching dat video...d courage n determination she displayed was truely commendable....will share what d video clip showed
Kiran Bedi was addressing to a large audience n was telling abt d hardships she had faced in her career n how wid strong determination n will power she has been able to overcome those hurdles...despite being a lady police officer...she told abt d incident wen she was made d Deputy Comissioner of Traffic in 1982 wen Asian games wwer to be held...she had to look aftr d roads n infratucture of delhi...she took it as a challenge n went ahead without knowing d palces in delhi much on a round across d city wid a driver n a operator...she toured round d city n kept noting down d various problems faced by d commuters...d no. of manholes, d traffic jams ,how many people broke d rules all was recorded n noted n she ensured dat d effective changes were implemented soon...people thought it was an act of follishness n she would soon get tired of d activity n quit...but she dint...rather d constables who earlier used to report late to duty were amazed by her courage n in a week's time wer thre on duty before she came on rounds...
Also she shared her xperience how she got d anme of "Krane Bedi"...once she saw d buses being upturned on road n lying as it it...thus blocking d tarffic...she calld n asked fr crane but dey replied dey ahve only 2 of dem...1 out of order n 1 fr office use...she den ordered fr 16 new kranes n wid d announcement saet in front announced in advence dat crane is coming n ppl with fear strtd to park their vehicle i parking lot...n by d slip of tongue once a rikshaw wala askd d othr who's doin all dis ...he replied..."Keraane Bedi" in his accent n dats how she got dat name:)...
to sum up she said dat v all should b our own taechers n take ur class everyday n keep on improving....be a Creative thinker n one important point she highlighte dwas...dont wait fr problems to happne n den go with a solution...rather seek d problem n den solve it...take evry cahllenge n overcome it...n dats d way to live:)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
today m feeling scared ....scared to loose someone near to me yet again...n the thought alone makes me shiver...have lost that trust on myself of judging n knowing people...coz again n again i have been proved wrong, have been left alone, have been hurt n given pain...fail to understand m i dat bad?????? do i deserve to be alone n lonely???? sometimes i feel very empty n broke frm inside n dont know whom to share my pain with...dat is wen i discovered d power of words...how wonderful they r n how they help u to take out dat pain inside u...as a friend u let out ur heart's feelings through these words n feel lightened...n dats how i have learnt to live n m not alone nemore...its not that mah wonderful friends havent helped me n m really thankful to them fr dat...but still at times i feel all alone....
" when u get hurt physically u shed tears, but when u get hurt emotionally, ur heart shed tears,
d physical pain dies away after sometime, but the emotional pain cuts deep down inside n remain there,
they say time is the best healer...but somehow i dont agree....another time when someone close to us hurts us...
the pain revives again it brings tears to ur eyes.
The pain is unbearable, but u have to bear it....
The struggle aint easy but u have to go through it....
The path is wiery but u have no other road to take....
Forgetting someone aint easy but u have to let go.....
As one of mah professors say..."the past is dead, the future is uncertain ...so just live in the present n njoy life"
" when u get hurt physically u shed tears, but when u get hurt emotionally, ur heart shed tears,
d physical pain dies away after sometime, but the emotional pain cuts deep down inside n remain there,
they say time is the best healer...but somehow i dont agree....another time when someone close to us hurts us...
the pain revives again it brings tears to ur eyes.
The pain is unbearable, but u have to bear it....
The struggle aint easy but u have to go through it....
The path is wiery but u have no other road to take....
Forgetting someone aint easy but u have to let go.....
As one of mah professors say..."the past is dead, the future is uncertain ...so just live in the present n njoy life"
Lessons learnt
Life & time r the two things which teach u a lot...Everytime you think ur life has started to settle down n evrything is going fine...it turns the tables around n put u through tough times....to test how strong u r?? to knw how to take decision in a difficult situation ?? to know who ur true friends r????
God gives us pain n lonliness so as to draw us close to him...so we shouldnt be dettered by d failures, by d pebbles v tumble upon...beacuse he's there to help us n guide us...when u r alone n thre's no1 around just close ur eyes n pray to him...all ur sorrows wud b gone....he has already decided r share of sorrows n happiness...As shakespeare says....life is a play n v all r its players!!!!!!!
God gives us pain n lonliness so as to draw us close to him...so we shouldnt be dettered by d failures, by d pebbles v tumble upon...beacuse he's there to help us n guide us...when u r alone n thre's no1 around just close ur eyes n pray to him...all ur sorrows wud b gone....he has already decided r share of sorrows n happiness...As shakespeare says....life is a play n v all r its players!!!!!!!
I miss those days...
I miss those days when he used to give time,
I miss those days when he was just mine....
I miss that touch,
I miss those talks,
I miss that look n that tender smile.....
I miss that day when r eyes first met,
I miss that day when he said..."Darling,Will u be mine?"
But gone r those days n here i m today...sitting alone n missing those days,
Thinking will they ever come back again????
I miss those days when he was just mine....
I miss that touch,
I miss those talks,
I miss that look n that tender smile.....
I miss that day when r eyes first met,
I miss that day when he said..."Darling,Will u be mine?"
But gone r those days n here i m today...sitting alone n missing those days,
Thinking will they ever come back again????
Saturday, January 20, 2007
so here i m sitting down to pour in mah thoughts...d place whre i can share my feelings, i can xpress myself...n most important b myself.
"what lies beneath"..i.e what v r frm inside...r v d same person v potray ourselves as or thre's a hidden self in us which v ourselves might not know...m here to discover dat hidden self in me...:)
"what lies beneath"..i.e what v r frm inside...r v d same person v potray ourselves as or thre's a hidden self in us which v ourselves might not know...m here to discover dat hidden self in me...:)
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